You know, I don't do other chicks, but I can openly admit that the female breasts are one of the most beautiful creations. I have found myself admiring other women's breastes and I'm not ashamed to point out the lovely ones and the not so lovely boobies.
Fake boobs, I don't get. From what I've been told, they're hard like oranges sometimes even rocks and don't move during sex. Who doesn't like to see breasts bouncing during sex? But, fakes, they just kinda, sit there. It doesn't matter how hard or fast you're going at it, they aren't gonna move. They look like over stretched water balloons that are about to explode! EW!
What sucks just as much, is when you see some chick who's flat as a 12 year old boy, but insists on wearing a bra. She has these two lumps on her chest, It just looks weird, and I'd consider silicone enhancement treatments. So, yeah I suppose, I'd be open to getting fake boobs if I had a flat chest or my breasts were ironed as a small child. (Not to make light of the horrible breast ironing fad)
What I hate, is when I see an over weight woman, wearing a baggy sloppy shirt with no bra on. How do I know she isn't wearing a bra? You can see them flapping side to side when she walks. Sometimes, if you're real quiet and listen, you can hear a slight sucking sound too.
Listen darlin', just because it's a baggy shirt, it isn't going to disguise the fact that you aren't wearing a damn bra!!!
I'd also hate to have those huge over sized natural breasts, like 50 FF! What's that disease called? God, that would suck! It would make sex tough, cuddling would be a bitch too.
I'm not saying I have perfect breasts, but I like em and I don't wish mine were bigger......
Ok, maybe just a little bigger HA!