Monday, October 29, 2007

I think my boss is Satan...

My sweet blogging friends, It's Halloween time! In celebration if this "scary" holiday, I've decided to make a list of the signs you should be on the look out for when dealing with your boss during this occasion.

As some of you already know, I'm not a big fan of my current boss...ok, OK, actually I hate him. ALRIGHT hate is a pretty harsh word... how about totally, 100% dislike him?

So anyway, I've put together a list of thing each and every one of of should be on the look out for. Even if you like your boss. It's been said that sometimes an angel of Dark will disguise itself as an angel of Light.


10. Leaves cloven hoof marks burned into the carpet when he stands in one place long enough...

9. He makes you write your emails in COBOL

8. He is referred to as "Lucifer" on all email headings and on IM...

7. The eerie chanting that you hear coming from his office when the door is closed...

6. The virgin sacrifices in the conference room...

5. The black robe hanging in the corner of his office...

4. His long black fingernails...

3. At your last evaluation, not only did you NOT get a raise, he also gives you a receipt for your soul...

2. When he raise his voice, even on a bright and sunny day, lightning strikes and thunder rolls...

1. Made you sign a non-disclosure agreement in Blood



Blogger Sassy Blondie said...

Rev-get some super glue and glue his desk shit to the desk. It'll be so funny to watch him look all confused! (Some girls and I did this to a boss I had in college because dammit if she wasn't a colossal bitch!) I also recommend turning all the furniture in his office upside down, carefully making sure nothing falls out of place. Juvenile? Sure. But who gives a flying fuck? :)

Mon Oct 29, 09:10:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What goofy bastard helped you out with those huh?

Mon Oct 29, 09:50:00 PM  
Blogger jali said...

I love my boss.

He's no angel, but he's a pretty cool dude.

Tue Oct 30, 03:24:00 PM  
Blogger puerileuwaite said...

11. Nine months after the Office Party, you have his child. Only no one* (* including your sinister coworkers) will let you near it. Plus the Conference Room is now a nursery for little Rev Jr., all decorated in black, and they no longer serve donuts during meetings.

Tue Oct 30, 06:58:00 PM  
Blogger The Middle Lifer said...

Damn, I think you described my father in law to a tee....

Tue Oct 30, 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least YOU are safe when you go into the conference room.


Kidding, Rev. You know I love you and I wish you only the best!

ANyway, Happy Halloween. I have some tricks AND treats waitin' for you if you ring my doorbell. KnowwhatImean? Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge!

Tue Oct 30, 09:18:00 PM  
Blogger Zen Wizard said...

Does he ever bring live goats into his office, shut the door, and you never see the goats again?

When he gives a toast at the Xmas party, does it sound like he's talking backwards?

Are any of his tie patterns neat and tasteful inverted pentagrams in a foulard pattern?

These are some other things to look for.

Wed Oct 31, 10:40:00 AM  
Blogger The [Cherry] Ride said...

Damn, tripe face stole my virgin/conference room comment.

Happy Haloween, chica!

Wed Oct 31, 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wed Oct 31, 02:23:00 PM  

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