Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Black Wednesday

Yes, it's that time again, friends. Time to celebrate Black Wednesday! This year, I've decided to do something a little different...

This year, I'm not going to bash that other holiday which I'll call "VDay". I'm not going to talk bad, bash, make fun or point and laugh at the people who fall for the evil trap of that horrid commercialized day. The day where everyone rushes to buy crappy red roses, sappy cards and cheap chocolates with that nasty jelly filling...

No, instead I'm going to share with my fellow blogging friends my favorite "moment" from a movie.

As I'm sure most of you have seen the movie Amelie (I am proud to say that I own this masterpiece) Listen, if you haven't seen this amazing film, I suggest you rush out Today and buy it. What better time then now? No one else will be at Best Buy because they'll all be at Wal-mart frantically rummaging through piles and piles of cheesy "VDay" cards attempting to find that "perfect one"... when chances are 500 other people found that same impersonal card you THOUGHT was the "perfect one". So, it should be a very quick, stress free shopping trip!

Anyway, this scene comes close to the end of the movie and it's by far one of the sweetest moments in film history. Every time I see this scene it makes me smile and giggle like a school girl.


Something else I'd like ask each of you. Have you ever found yourself in the movie theater or in the privacy of your own home watching a movie... as you're sitting there, minding your own business, all of a sudden a movie trailer comes on that totally stirs your insides...making them tingle with delight... then without warning you find yourself completely aroused and you don't even know why?...

What, this, this hasn't happened to you?... Really?...Seriously?......

Let me explain. I never know when these arousing previews will happen...simply out of the blue one of these stimulating film previews will appear and I'm so freakin' turned on, I don't know what to do! I'm captivated by the images and sounds right before my eyes. It takes everything in my power not to jump up and shout in orgasmic pleasure, YES!!! OH YES! OH MY GOD, YESSSSS!!!

Take this next clip I'm about to share with you. It really isn't something I'd label "romantic" or "heartwarming"... Well, I'll let you be the judge. Let's see if you can keep from shouting out with pleasure after watching this piece...

(make sure your speakers are on and loud)

GOOD LORD! Was it good for you?

Wooooo! I need a drink of water after that, my mouth is a bit dry...



Blogger tfg said...

Those WERE some hot codpieces.

Tue Feb 13, 04:56:00 AM  
Blogger The [Cherry] Ride said...

Yeah, that second clip was pretty awesome.

The Amelie clip was very sweet. Reminds me of a scene in "Gang Bangs of New York" where... Ah, nevermind.

Tue Feb 13, 11:04:00 AM  
Blogger puerileuwaite said...

Don't you have any good movies to show clips of? I'd rather view a Walmart surveillance tape.


Tue Feb 13, 05:10:00 PM  
Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

Shouldn't that be HALF BLACK Wednesday for you??

Tue Feb 13, 05:51:00 PM  
Blogger Baron Ectar said...

Single men should not watch this stuff alone - now what do I do Rev?!

Tue Feb 13, 06:23:00 PM  
Blogger Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Amelie would have been a much better movie if it had less cutesiness and more ass kicking, like that second clip.

Tue Feb 13, 07:02:00 PM  
Blogger RevRee said...

tfg: You can't help but be turned on, right?

Cherry: Email me the story...

puerileuwaitedifhslfhs: You mean that surveillance video of you and that blonde having sex in the dog food section?

Dyckerson: How about you Kiss my HALF BLACK ass!

Baron Ectar: I hear Dyckerson's free that day...

Dr. Ken: Yeah, I know! It just makes you wanna power fuck someone, huh?

Tue Feb 13, 07:11:00 PM  
Blogger Seals said...

Audrey Tautou looks kind of like the little boy who grew up next door to me, so it's kinda weird to watch him (I mean her) kissing some dude.

Wed Feb 14, 11:57:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

DAMN..there was alot of um, manly adrenaline and lusty bustiness and ruthless deliciousness...I liked when he bitch kicked the dude into the hole.

That is around the time I crossed my legs and started gripping stuff.

WTF...a PREVIEW...oh who am I kidding, i still get turned on by "dick in a box" that silly SNL thing.


Don't worry I think I bitched enough for both of us.

Sat Feb 17, 03:18:00 PM  

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